niholss store review: is scam?

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niholss store reviews
niholss store reviews

Welcome to our comprehensive review of, where we aim to present you with valuable insights to help you determine the legitimacy of this website and identify any potential risks of it being a scam.

Website Details


Registration Date: 2023-04-26(0 years)

Email ID:

is niholss store legit or is niholss store scam?

During our thorough analysis of, we discovered several concerning factors that merit careful consideration. These elements raise doubts about the website's authenticity and reliability. Let's delve deeper into each of these aspects:

Ownership by a Shell company: is purportedly operated by Meledo Company Ltd, a business registered in the United Kingdom. However, there have been reports suggesting that this company might be associated with Chinese scammers.

The website has employed an image to display its company address, aiming to evade detection by search engines during website crawling. Such practices are often used by websites attempting to conceal shared addresses with other sites. offers incredibly high discounts on specific products, which is a cause for concern as it could indicate an attempt to lure unsuspecting customers.

The contact information provided on includes an email address ( that is not domain-specific. Legitimate businesses typically use email addresses that match their website domain.

The domain was registered quite recently on 2023-04-26, which can raise suspicions about the website's intentions.

The low amount of traffic to the website might be indicative of its lack of popularity or credibility.

The lack of active social media links associated with is another cause for concern. Reputable businesses often maintain an active social media presence to interact and engage with their customers.

Conclusion is a scam website, exhibits characteristics commonly found in scam websites like the presence of high discounts, association with a potentially questionable company, absence of active social media links, recent domain registration, and low website traffic.

Disclaimer: The information provided is based on an analysis conducted at the time of writing. If you come across any information afterward that differs from this review, it may indicate that the online retailer has made modifications.

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